#SmallBusinessThatRocks : Currys & Grill

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If you ask someone what their favourite food is, there is a good chance that it’ll be something homemade, often served with a side a happy nostalgia. No matter where you’re from or where you are, there is nothing like home-cooking. You can taste the care taken in preparation and the culinary and family histories…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: At The Mat

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We hear a lot of about the importance of balance in all aspects of our lives: work/life, budgets, nutrition. But, do you ever think about the importance of balance within the physics of your body, itself? Or, about the connection between your body and mind? Niki Carr, Pilates instructor, and owner of #SmallBusinessThatRocks, At The…

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Bloomingtails Pet Boutique & Grooming: #SmallBusinessThatRocks

slyfox mascot holding grooming brush. rusty, daisy, and JT in costumes. - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Do you have a dog or cat, or know someone who is wild about theirs? If so, you’re definitely going to want to keep reading. This week we are excited to feature #SmallBusinessThatRocks Bloomingtails Pet Boutique, a full-service pet grooming studio and store that specializes in providing your furry family-member personalized products and grooming services…

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SlyFox Mentions: Preparing Your Office For Autumn and Winter

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Rombourne, a provider of serviced offices Bristol, Cardiff, Newport and Swindon in the UK, definitely knows everything about office facilities. Recently, they wrote an interesting blog about the risks of preparing your office for the colder seasons and we got a mention! Read more about the article below.

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Update Your Website, Or Build A New One?

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How do you know when it’s time to make an update to your current website, or just start the whole thing over again? Building a new site requires more work than an update, but depending on the circumstances, it could be the best option for your small business and Internet Marketing plans.

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks – Red Door Candle Studio

SlyFox Mascot pointing to screen displaying Red Door Candle Studio web page - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Do you ever suddenly catch the scent of something, origins unknown, that immediately transports you to another place or time in your life or provokes immediate remembrances of a treasured memory? The feeling is so close it’s like you could reach out and grasp it, but then it’s gone, and you’re left with the happiness…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks – Cabelo Hair Co.

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  If there is one thing that everyone needs it’s more time. For many of us, our morning routine involves a time-consuming series of hair-styling tools and an array of cosmetic and hair products used in an effort to ultimately feel confident as the best versions of ourselves. #SmallBusinessThatRocks Cabelo Hair Co. knows that the…

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Dance Essence – A #SmallBusinessThatRocks

slyfox mascot wearing tutu and pointing to dance essence logo - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

We’ve all been there, some catchy tune comes on the playlist and next thing we know, we’ve caught ourselves involuntarily tapping along to the music. The deep, visceral enjoyment of music is innate to the human experience, so much that children show a predisposition to move rhythmically to music. Additionally, science has shown that preverbal…

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