What Is SEO Marketing


When it comes to marketing your business, you want to use every tool you can. One of the most important tools is SEO marketing. But what is SEO marketing? And how can it help your business? Let’s answer those questions and discuss what SEO is, and why it is so important for businesses online today.…

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Keywords 101

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If you’ve set up your online presence, you probably heard the word “keyword” thrown around. Don’t dismiss it as a buzzword – keywords can make or break your success on search engines, like Google. This is because they are important for answering the questions of Internet readers everywhere. With keywords, you are answering questions you…

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising: What It Is and How It Works

pay per click user - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

There are many ways to “game” search engines and get your business or website at the top of the search results heap – key words and phrases, headings, and tags are all good ways to enhance search engine relevance. Sometimes, though, the most effective way to get people to your website is to choose a…

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