My Smart Hands: A #SmallBusinessThatRocks

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We’ve all been misunderstood at some point in our life, and depending on the context, we’ve probably felt somewhere between mildly annoyed to extraordinarily frustrated. Anyone who has spent any time around small children and infants knows that they, too, experience this frustration. However, they have not yet acquired the verbal skills that enable them…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Crushed With Love UPDATE

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  There is an unmistakable undercurrent of love that runs through every element of local #SmallBusinessThatRocks, Crushed With Love. Beginning as an effort to provide fresh fruit to her kindergarten class, Crushed With Love has become one of the most trusted providers of all-natural, vegan, and cruelty-free skin care to the London community and beyond,…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Type A Events

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Despite the intended result, event planning can be a highly stressful event, involving an intricacy of details, an overwhelming amount of decisions, and constant communication with vendors, suppliers, and guests in order to ensure a smooth running event. For life’s most important events, you want it to be perfect and hassle-free: something not easily achieved…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Josh’s Automotive

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For many of us, our personal vehicles are an indispensable tool that allows us to commute, get the kids where they need to be, and to make acquiring daily supplies much more convenient. But they need to always be safe and reliable. Our lives are literally depending on it! Josh’s Automotive is a #SmallBusinessThatRocks because they know just…

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Google AdWords and Pay Per Click Explained

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You might not know it by name, but if you use the Internet, you know what pay-per-click advertising is: those ads directing you to stores selling exactly what you searched for. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is pretty much what the name suggests, as advertisers pay only when users click their ads online. For the marketing firm…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Tandem Recruitment & Consulting

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A thriving community requires active citizens engaging in a robust economy. Local #SmallBusinessThatRocks, Tandem Recruitment & Consulting is a company that embodies both of these goals. Recognizing that a company’s success lies within its human capital, Tandem provides professional recruiting services in order to strategically match the ideal professional to the ideal position. Tandem’s expertise lies…

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How Supporting Local Helps Your Business Grow

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The word “locavore”, referring to a person who eats at locally-owned restaurants and buys locally-sourced foods, has been popular for some time. Its durability proves the label is more than a trend, and people young and old are making a point of eating local to support their communities and bring down their carbon footprint.

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Michelle Westgarth Wellness Coach

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As the year comes to an end we often find ourselves evaluating the past year; thinking about what went great, what could have gone better, and what we want to achieve in the coming year. New Years Day may only be one day on our calendar, but its symbolism is undeniable. It’s a fresh start.…

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