Why Remarketing Works


If you’ve ever received attention for or a reaction to your ad, you may be inclined to think the work stops there – a member of your key audience responded, mission accomplished, it’s an effective ad, that’s that, right?

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Why we REALLY Put Our Fox on a Bus

bus ad - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

If you’re in and around London, possibly stuck during rush hour, maybe walking down the street, chances are you’ll see a familiar face on the side of a bus: SlyFox Fox is now on London Transit! You might see him bowling a strike, or giving you a little wave, but he’s definitely hard to miss.[ctt…

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Don’t Count Print Advertising Out!

wet newspaper - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

With so much commercial focus moving to the digital realm these days, many businesses have put print lowest on their list of priorities. The maxim of “print is dead” hangs over a lot of industries struggling with pulling in advertising dollars and customers, from publishing houses to journalism.   But print isn’t dead, and believing…

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Website: DIY or a Professional Site?

DIY sites blog header - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Behind every great business, there is a website. This website could be many things: a catalogue, a storefront, or an information area; but is it something you should do yourself? DIY websites are common, as they’re viewed as more cost effective; and in the short term, we can see why company owners would see this…

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SEO – What is it?


[ctt template=”5″ link=”Ad3io” via=”no” ]An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, nightclub, watering hole…[/ctt]   When we say ”Search Engine Optimization” sometimes we get confused or blank looks, and more often than not, we get the same question: “What’s that, and why does it matter?”. It’s okay to not understand or even know…

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Gotta Catch ‘Em All!

marketing Pokemon

[ctt template=”5″ link=”NJy7f” via=”no” ]RT this if you want a pet Pikachu![/ctt]   By that we mean all the customers! With Pokemon Go’s launch we’ve seen a huge spike in London residents ‘out and about’ who get hungry, thirsty and hot, faster; this means they’re coming into stores to make purchases or to simply cool…

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Why use Twitter?

Twitter, SlyFox

[ctt template=”5″ link=”1vg8_” via=”no” ]The essence of social media is knowing your audiences and engaging in something they love![/ctt]   As one of today’s most widely used social media platforms, it’s amazing that Twitter can be easily overlooked as a potential advertising format. Think about it, a company potentially has access to hundreds of thousands…

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