SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!
5 Product Page Design Tips to Boost Conversions
If you’re looking to increase your online sales, you need to focus on your website and product pages. A well-designed page can encourage customers to buy, while a poorly designed page can lead to lost sales. In this post, we’ll discuss five tips for boosting your conversion rates with your product pages!
Read More Increase Sales Through Web Design
When you have a great product or service, you need to make sure people know about it. One of the best ways to do this is through your website. Web design is one of the most important factors when it comes to marketing your product. In this post, we will discuss some tips on how…
Read More How to Promote Your Business Using Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to promote your business. It allows you to reach a large number of people with your message, and it can be very effective if done correctly. In this post, we will discuss using email marketing to promote your business. We will also provide some tips about successful email…
Read More The Difference Between Graphic Design and Branding
What is the difference between graphic design and branding? Many people use these terms interchangeably, but they are actually two very different concepts. Graphic design is the process of creating visual elements to communicate a message. Branding, on the other hand, is the process of developing a unique identity for a company or product. In…
Read More All About Social Media Marketing
If you’re a business owner, then you know that social media is a powerful tool. It can be used to connect with customers, promote your products or services, and build relationships with potential and current customers. In this post, we will discuss all aspects of social media marketing – from setting up your accounts to…
Read More Why Responsive Web Design Is So Important
There are many reasons why responsive web design is so important. Let’s discuss some of the most important ones. First of all, responsive web design ensures that your website looks great on any device. This is extremely important, given the fact that more and more people are browsing the Internet using their mobile devices. Secondly,…
Read More What Are Advertising Jingles
Do you remember advertising jingles from when you were a kid? Those catchy tunes that would get stuck in your head for days on end? That’s the power of advertising jingles. They are short, catchy songs that are designed to stick in your head and remind you of a product or service. They have been…
Read More What is Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on using key individuals – called influencers – to persuade others to take action. These influencers can be anyone from celebrities and athletes, to bloggers and social media personalities. In recent years, it has become one of the most popular forms of marketing on social media,…
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