SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!

cat blogging - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Twenty Ways To Create Blog Posts That Go Viral

  Blog writers, from health and wellness experts to video game nerds, all have the same aspiration: they want their posts to go viral. It’s not so much a money thing, though everyone wants to make a living off their writing; it’s about getting their words in front of people and hitting the write notes…
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DIY websites - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

How DIY Websites Hurt Your Bottom Line

The advent of e-commerce and web presence has lead to an interesting and seemingly convenient service: do-it-yourself website builders. Most include a number of templates, drag and drop widgets, and text options. Heck, some builders even let you customize your domain name. At a time when it’s pretty much mandatory to have a website for…
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Follow your dreams - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Follow Your Dreams – Take Risks!

[ctt template=”5″ link=”G69f1″ via=”no” ]Be brave, take risks, expect the unexpected![/ctt] Frisbees, pool noodles, and yo-yos kind of seem like they’ve been around forever. They’re old toys, and as such they’re associated with children, nostalgia, and wasting a little time. If you know the stories behind them though, they have another thing in common: risk.
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Social Media Time Management

Social media is always expanding. Sometimes, it feels like there’s a new platform springing up overnight, every night. Getting on board as quickly as possible might seem necessary, but businesses running their own social media can feel like they’re suddenly bogged down with the Internet, trying to make connections with stakeholders in the cyber world…
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pay per click user - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Pay-Per-Click Advertising: What It Is and How It Works

There are many ways to “game” search engines and get your business or website at the top of the search results heap – key words and phrases, headings, and tags are all good ways to enhance search engine relevance. Sometimes, though, the most effective way to get people to your website is to choose a…
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back links - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

What Can Back Links Do For Your Website?

Search engines can be fickle things. It’s not enough that a website or blog have great content (though good writing helps, as we’ll see!). Google demands certain things. It demands coding, specific keywords, and a freedom to crawl your blog and index. It also demands relevancy. Backlinks and the tactic of link building are crucial…
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web design trends - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Web Design Trends Worth Exploring

  It’s a great time for Internet users in regards to web design trends. Designers are always coming up with innovative ways to add convenience, visually dazzle, and make the Internet, quite simply, an easier place to navigate. For all the changes that major websites have implemented in the last couple of years (it’s almost…
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No discount - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Small Businesses, Value Your Time!

[ctt template=”5″ link=”r5HaW” via=”no” ]“Don’t sell yourself short. No one will value you.” – John Kremer[/ctt] Small businesses need to be able to compete. One tactic that might seem suitable to owners is offering products or services at a discounted price. It makes sense, right? In theory, it sounds like a great way to attract…
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