SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!

woman pointing at holographic map - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

10 Reasons To Hire a Social Media Manager

Thinking of expanding your influence and bringing your business online? Social media is a logical first step, and people love it because it lets you control the marketing yourself. But it’s still marketing, and it’s only as good as the team behind it! Before you sign your shop up for an account, consider these ten…
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Increasing Instagram Engagement

Instagram is hot right now, with 9 million users over the age of 13. The majority of Instagrammers reside in the 18-34 age demographic, so it’s the perfect platform to use if you’re looking to attract a younger clientele. It’s also very user-friendly – with a good camera and proper lighting, you can make organic-looking…
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keywords - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Keywords 101

If you’ve set up your online presence, you probably heard the word “keyword” thrown around. Don’t dismiss it as a buzzword – keywords can make or break your success on search engines, like Google. This is because they are important for answering the questions of Internet readers everywhere. With keywords, you are answering questions you…
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Websites: Buyer Beware

Selling Your Website Anyone can build a Wix, Shopify, or some other DIY site, but will it sell your product or service?
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buying local - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Why Should You Keep Buying Local

“Should I be buying local?” may be a question we ask ourselves from time-to-time.  Lower quality products, the use of pesticides and antibiotics,  and the use of exploitive labor has consistently been a hot topic in today’s society.  At the end of the day, many of us seem to end up buying from big corporations…
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Motivation – The Basics

What is Motivation? According to scientists, motivation is just a willingness to do something, a desire. This is correct, but let’s get more in-depth.  Motivation is a crucial element in obtaining your goals. Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art” states, “At some point, the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of…
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First Impression - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Landing Pages

You know about the importance of a first impression. People often talk about “two minutes to make an impression”, forcing them to play their elevator pitch over and over in their heads. Fact is, first impressions are often formed not just within a couple of minutes, but usually within milliseconds. The human brain processes information…
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Keyboard of Digital Media Firm - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Ten Reasons You Should Hire a Digital Media Firm

Imagine Mad Men if it took place in 2017. While Don Draper might still think of catchy new slogans and emotional ad campaigns, he’d also have to scour the Internet for appropriate keywords and think about how to make Lucky Strike’s website SEO friendly. The show would have a lot less drinking, and a lot…
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