SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!

Using Feedback To Make Websites Better

Valuable perspectives for a website development project come from three different parties: the client, developer, and visitors. Unfortunately, the one opinion that matters most doesn’t get any input until the project is complete, and surprisingly, this is the visitor’s opinion. Once a site goes live, we constantly measure and use visitor feedback to refine and…
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Shopping on a website

Should I Put Prices On My Website?

To price or not to price: which should you do? Including the costs of your goods or services on your website is a very strategic decision and shouldn’t be made lightly. There are many pros and cons to including this information, and often the choice comes down to what sort of business you’re in!
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What Is Website Hosting And Why Do I Need It?

One of the most important yet rarely seen forces behind the internet is website hosting. From the largest corporation to the smallest business, no business would have a website without a host server to store the information. Servers can be set up to assist the individual website’s goals, making it faster, easier to update, and…
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graphic designer working

Can I Be A Graphic Designer Even If I Can’t Draw?

SlyFox has a talented team on staff. However, you don’t need to be able to draw to work in graphic design! There are several things a graphic designer should have: an eye for detail, knowledge of the fundamentals of design, and a passion for visual storytelling. You can have all these without being good at…
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twitter on cellphone

Why Should I Use Twitter?

Many people struggle to understand how Twitter could be useful to their business. It’s understandable, but by not using this form of social media, a lot of new business could be passing you by! Twitter is a micro blogging platform that allows the user to send and receive short messages known as tweets.
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How The Most Recent Instagram Algorithm Changes Affect Business Accounts

Have you heard about the new changes to Instagram? Social media companies are constantly tweaking the algorithms behind the scenes to give their users the best experience possible. Naturally, the changes can affect how businesses use the platforms to drive business.
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graphic designers - sly fox web design

How Graphic Designers Can Take Your Website To The Next Level

When a small business puts together an initial marketing plan, a website is often at the top of the list. Don’t make the mistake of undervaluing graphic design on your website, though. Complete, professional branding should be a priority for every small business, and here’s how graphic designers can take your website to the next…
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Eight Free Or Low-Cost Ways To Support Local Businesses

Shopping locally is one of the best ways to have a positive impact on your local economy. For some people, it’s not within their budget to shop local, but there’s many ways to support local businesses that don’t always involve money!
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