SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!


What’s The Deal With The New Google Web Vitals Report?

Over the years, Google has come to dominate how we use the internet. Along the way, the company has given developers some amazing tools to measure and report how well a site performs. Some have found the wide range of metrics available through these tools a challenge to make sense of, while others – like…
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What’s The Difference Between and

Did you know that there’s not one but two versions of WordPress? While might seem like the logical start for your WordPress site, if you want a website you can own and customize, is the one to use. Here’s what makes them very different platforms!
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Why Not DIY Web Builders: Five Reasons To Go Pro and Own Your Site

The internet has made a lot of resources available to more people, and in many ways, this is great! But it’s always wise to look a little more closely at no-cost tools before committing to them, especially those that let you build a website “for free.” These sites have nothing on a professionally-built website that…
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What Are Follow Loops?

Getting a large, engaged following on your small business’ Instagram profile is the dream, but it can be frustrating. You may have already worked yourself silly trying to get followers by engaging with people and have nothing to show for it. Some might even become tempted to pay for sketchy, bot-driven programs, but all these…
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The Osborne Effect: A Modern Challenge For Marketing

In April 1981, the world was introduced to the Osborne 1, the first successful portable computer. The Osborne 1’s inventor, Adam Osborne, was spoken of in the same sentence as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. The company hit $100 million in revenue less than two years later – but we don’t think of Adam Osborne…
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SlyFox Mentions: SlyFox Web Design in Business London

Slyfox was recently featured in London Inc. magazine. This article highlights our ongoing efforts to help small businesses adapt to the new barriers presented by COVID19.
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How To Mix Photography And Text On Your New Website

On a website, text and images are like cupcakes and frosting – they are so much better together! Much like baking, mixing photography and text on your website is a special art. You can combine the ingredients in many ways to highlight each part and heighten the overall experience. Mixing photography and text is one…
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How To Get More Exposure For Your Small Biz Right Now!

You run a bold, innovative small biz and you know you’re better than the big competition – but how can you convince more people of that fact? Cutting through the online noise is the key to getting new customers, and you should design a marketing plan that gets your small business the right amount of…
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