SlyFox is a London, Ontario-based marketing and design firm catering to the needs and budgets of local entrepreneurs and business owners. Explore our blog for our latest insights and tips!
How To Avoid The Pitfalls of Google Automation
Google Ads are like any other type of advertising: how well they work depends strongly on creativity. But unlike other advertising mediums, you have to bid for optimal areas. The twin tasks of coming up with creative and bidding on keywords can take up a lot of time, so Google offers automation in these…
Read More Should You Start A Business or Go To School?
There are so many paths into the business world, but everybody seems to find themselves at a fork: either go to school or enter the workforce. Both a college or university education and a small business are investments of time and money – which one is the right choice for you?
Read More User Experience: Why It’s Important And How To Improve It On Your Site
Your website can be one of the most powerful tools at your small business’s disposal, but it’s only as powerful as it is useful. If a visitor can’t find the information they need, they’ll quickly move on to another resource! In web development, how this visitor feels when interacting with your site is called user…
Read More Should Your Website Have Online Chat?
Does your business make customer service easy? Small businesses set up websites for many reasons, including how they improve the handling of complaints and issues. Customers can be hesitant to pick up the phone and call a support line – these days, they want immediacy, convenience, and to know that someone is on the other…
Read More How We Use Google Drive To Collaborate With Our Clients
Many people consider Google Drive as a cloud and sync service, but it’s so much more than that. The G Suite of online programs – Google Drive, Documents, Sheets, Slides, etc. – make it easy to share work and collaborate on projects with our clients.
Read More How To Ask For Credit If Your Content Is Being Repurposed On Social Media
Sharing is one of the best parts of the internet. Asking for permission before regramming or reposting someone else’s social media content is pretty basic etiquette. But not everyone thinks this way – they will take a piece of content and share it on their personal or business pages without thinking about who made it…
Read More The Top 5 Critical Rules of Ecommerce Web Design
Are you looking to add eCommerce to your website and boost your physical shop? Successful online stores follow different web design rules than other types of sites. Here are five critical guidelines we follow when setting small businesses up with eCommerce! Rule #1: Keep The Design Simple Having a lot of features might sound impressive,…
Read More How Our SEO Program Gets You Business
One of the best ways to improve business is by attracting more people to your website, and this starts by getting the attention of search engines. SlyFox’s SEO program helps small business owners across London and Ontario get this attention, making user-friendly websites that rank higher in search engines. How does SEO translate into more…
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