#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Prentice Dry Cleaning

Did you know that people have been forgetting to pick up their dry cleaning since the 1800s? Cleaning clothes this way is much older than most people realize, and not much has changed. The majority of dry cleaners have been using the same processes since the 1930s: the same chemicals, wait times, etc. One local…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks – RQC Supply

Standing together as a community will help us get through these tough times. But we also need something to occupy our time, especially when schools, parks, libraries, and other key parts of this community have shut their doors. This week’s #SmallBusinessThatRocks represents both parts: they love working in and for their hometown, and they help…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: London Inc.

Did you know that our city is the home of the largest controlled circulation magazine in Southwestern Ontario? “Controlled circulation magazine” is a fancy term usually reserved for trade publications, but the magazine in question is probably very familiar to all SlyFox clients and followers. It’s London Inc., and we’re very glad to have them…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Joanne’s Cleaning & Laundry Services

Joannes Feature

You know the importance of keeping your home and office sanitary. But what new things can we say about staying clean, especially in 2020? Don’t worry – SlyFox has Joanne’s Cleaning & Laundry Services to do all the talking for us!  This week’s #SmallBusinessThatRocks helps people throughout our community deal with stubborn chores that take…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: VanQuaethem Farms

VanQuaethem Feature Image

London might be the biggest city in the area, but our small business community doesn’t stop at the city limits! All around the Forest City are towns and counties full of people making connections with their community, many of them also earning their living off the land. This is the case for the family and…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: X Craft

X-Craft Feature

SlyFox has been in the web design and digital marketing business for a while now, but every new client finds a way to leave us stunned. We see how small businesses do so much every day, and all our clients bring original artistry, groundbreaking ideas, and one-of-a-kind stories to their products and services!

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: London Mobile Massage Therapy

london mobile massage therapy

Massage therapy is something many people rely on for rehabilitation and stress relief – it’s not a luxury anymore! Those kept indoors and unable to travel to appointments, either because of COVID-19 or mobility issues, should still be able to get these services. Our #SmallBusinessThatRocks this week, London Mobile Massage Therapy, makes this happen!

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Erika Botha, Fearless Women’s Coach

What can hold some women back in small business? It’s hard to pinpoint just one reason. It can be a mixture of many different adversities and obstacles creating stress, anxiety and uncertainty. There are also lingering attitudes and ideals from the past that continue to sometimes create a “glass ceiling effect”. Our company, SlyFox, is…

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