#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Hope Cosmetics
Londoners are all eagerly awaiting when we can step out in style again. This week’s #SmallBusinessThatRocks is guaranteed to help you do just that! Hope Cosmetics offers a wide range of beauty and anti-ageing treatments that will help you step into a world of confidence. Hope Jacobs’ wide range of treatment options gives clients…
Read MoreProvincial Glass & Mirror – #SmallBusinessThatRocks
Glass is so fundamental to our lives that most people don’t stop to think about it, but in reality, it’s one of the most common substances in our lives. Each time we tap our phone screen, open our windows, drive our cars, or check our appearance in the mirror, we’re interacting with glass. One local…
Read More#SmallBusinessesThatRock: Rustix & The Posh Cheeseboard Co.
Just in case you forgot (there’s a lot on your calendar, we know), here’s a timely reminder: Valentine’s Day is around the corner! Cards, candy, candlelight: pandemic or not, if you have a sweetie, you’re probably going to celebrate. Why not do it in style while supporting two local small businesses? This week, we have…
Read More#SmallBusinessThatRocks: London International Collegiate School
London is a destination for post-secondary education, and we have a world-class university and highly-regarded colleges that attract people from all over the world! But our community also has options for Londoners who don’t come here only for the educational opportunities, as well as those who want to improve their language skills or finish…
Read More#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Old North Psychology
As we near the end of 2020, it’s hard not to think about the word trust. Londoners have spent most of the last year putting a lot of trust in each other and hoping that others return the sentiment. The SlyFox team knows it well in a business sense, as websites do a lot of…
Read More#SmallBusinessThatRocks – Quantum Food Solutions
Web design and digital marketing may be on our marquee, but the SlyFox team is in the business of helping small businesses. Sometimes our clients are in this line of work too, and Quantum Food Solutions is one of them. You may have been affected by their work without even knowing it! To put their…
Read More#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Vojin Security
Security is very important to the SlyFox team, but we stay in our lane: the websites we build are well-guarded and secure. When it comes to protecting property and people, we leave that to the professionals. It’s good to know that there are community-minded security companies out there, including this week’s #SmallBusinessThatRocks, Vojin Security. …
Read More#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Organization for Darfurian Refugees and Immigrants
As we wind down a long, long year, it’s good to think about what we have in perspective. The SlyFox team is blessed to be in a free country with support from a wonderful community. It’s easy to take what we have for granted, but helping groups like the Organization for Darfurian Refugees and Immigrants…
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