Why SEO Is Important

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Small businesses that want to expand into the online world have to consider more than just their products and services; they have to consider how they’re describing them. The tactics used to increase visibility on search engines like Google is known as search engine optimization, or SEO, and it’s absolutely essential for a successful website.…

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Five Tips For Increasing Work Productivity

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Your company succeeds based on the productivity of your employees, but what happens when this starts to drop? It’s an inevitability if managers don’t consider how the employees feel about their work. It’s a simple fact that the manager that does work to make employees feel engaged will increase productivity and boost morale. Here are…

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Top Website Widgets

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Do you ever visit a website and wonder how all the little aspects work? Widgets are applications that are embedded into the body of the website. Widgets can be clocks, video players, contact forms, slideshows, currency converters, subscription systems, point systems, search bars and much more! Anyone can install widgets on their website and almost…

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Update Your Website, Or Build A New One?

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How do you know when it’s time to make an update to your current website, or just start the whole thing over again? Building a new site requires more work than an update, but depending on the circumstances, it could be the best option for your small business and Internet Marketing plans.

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Ten Things To Avoid When Email Marketing

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Email marketing can do wonders for your small business. It lets you focus direct messages on certain people who have left their email with you, attract them with deals, and make repeat customers out of those who have done business with you before. But with anything in marketing, if it works really well, it can…

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How To Get Verified on Instagram

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This August, Instagram made one of its most coveted features easier for everyone to get. Before this year, it was nearly impossible to get that little blue “verified” badge on your account. You had to have been a genuine celebrity, either in real life or on the platform, and know a contact at the company who…

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What To Do When Someone Steals Your Brand

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Is imitation the sincerest form of flattery? It can be, but if that imitation is the exact wording of your carefully-written slogan or ad, you shouldn’t always be flattered. Everything that makes your business distinctly yours, from the logo to the jingle to the specific names of the services you offer, shouldn’t be treated as…

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What To Look For When Buying a Website

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Looking to get your business online? It’s not a complicated process, but it shouldn’t be as simple as paying your neighbor for a job done on a template. A website is an important tool for spreading your message and generating sales, and what goes into its creation should reflect that! Here are five key points…

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